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Friday, August 30, 2013

Call for Paper ” “Combating Inequality toward Economic Sustainability..” Top prize $1,200 (DL: 24/9/13)


"Combating Inequality toward Economic Sustainability: Role of Private and Public Sectors"
Papers may be submitted by anyone age 18 to 25 years old (as of September 23rd, 2013).
Paper length is maximum at 25 pages including appendix, excluding cover and title page, written in US English or UK English. Mixture of both are prohibited.
Papers must have a Statement of Authorship page indicating: (1) Paper title (2) your full name (3) handphone number/e-mail address (4) nationality (5) age as of September 23, 2013 (6) gender (7) school/university/institution name (if applicable).
Registration form and guideline e-book available for download on
Entries must be submitted via e-mail to All entries must be in .pdf format and compiled in compressed folder (.RAR/.ZIP).
Entries include:
a. Paper, submitted separately on three parts:
  • Paper Content (Introduction to conclusion)
  • Title Page (Include author names and affiliation)
  • Appendix of paper (references and tables)
b. Statement of Authorship
Please send the email using the following subject format (ICEI2013_”FIRST AUTHOR NAME”_”AFFILIATION”), all written in uppercase
Papers must be original and never been published in any publication methods before.
Papers must be written maximum by three person in one team. Co-authored papers are accepted. One person can submit more than one paper.
Copyright of the papers entered will be assigned to the organizers.
Ten best papers will be available online at
Formatting Guidelines
Page size : A4
Top margin : 3 cm
Bottom margin : 3 cm
Left margin : 4 cm
Right margin : 3 cm
Title of paper : Center text, 16 pt Times New Roman, capitals, bold-type, single spaced
Names of authors : Center text, 12 pt Times New Roman, single spaced, bold type, main author (presenter) underlined
Affiliation : Center text, 12 pt Times New Roman, single spaced By affiliation we mean the name of university, company or institution
Text : justified, 12 pt Times New Roman, single spaced
Keywords : Three keywords which represents the content of the paper. Left-justified, 12 pt Times New Roman, single spaced.
Submission Time : Entries submission will be opened from September 1, 2013 at 16.59 UTC(0) or 23.59 UTC+7. The entries submission therefore will be closed on September 24, 2013 at 16.59 UTC(0) or 23.59 UTC+7.
  • 1st Prize: Certificate, and prize of US$ 1,200
  • 2nd Prize: Certificate, and prize of US$ 600
  • 3rd Prize: Certificate, and prize of US$ 400
All prize winners will be announced in November 2013 on the Forum Studi dan Diskusi
Ekonomi 2013 web site [ and by direct information to email.
International banking fees are winners’ obligation and will be deducted directly from the prize.
For More Information:
Sekretariat Panitia FSDE 2013
Ruang Himlespa
Lantai I Sayap Utara, Gedung FakuLtas Ekonomlka dan Bisnis, UGM
JLHumanlora I, Bulaksumur
Yogyakarta 55281
Contact Person (text messages only):
Ipung (+6285743350199)
Wira (+6285337408510)
or by email: please

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