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Monday, October 21, 2019

Kontes Essay Akademik Asean-Korea 2019 Hadiah Trip Asean dan Korea


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Kontes Essay Akademik Asean-Korea 2019 Hadiah Trip Asean dan Korea
Kontes Essay Akademik Asean-Korea 2019 Hadiah Trip Asean dan Korea

nih buat kamu yg lagi cari lomba esai 2019 bisa ikutan kontes ini. bukan lagi lomba esai tingkat nasional tapi ini udah level asean. info lomba essay 2019 diselenggarakan oleh asean.

untuk ikut lomba essay ini gratis kok... buruan baca deh caranya di bawah.

2019 asean korea academic essay contest

waktu deadline:     31 Oktober 2019.
Pengumuman pemenang dilaksanakan pada 9 Desember 2019.

hadiah yg bisa kamu dapat:    10 pemenang dari negara ASEAN (1 pemenang dari masing-masing negara) dan 5 pemenang dari negara Korea Selatan, meliputi:

1. Para pemenang akan diundang mengikuti workshop akademi untuk mempresentasikan essay yang telah dibuat.

2. Studi trip ke ASEAN dan Korea (4 hari 5 malam) Studi Trip ke Korea: Kunjungan ke ASEAN-Korea Centre, universitas, institusi riset dan situs budaya di Korea Selatan. Studi Trip ke ASEAN: Kunjungan ke universitas, institusi riset, dan situs budaya di Vietnam.

3. Seluruh biaya perjalanan akan ditanggung oleh pihak ASEAN-Korea Centre

Syarat & Ketentuan
peserta adalah 1. Mahasiswa S1 atau pascasarjana negara ASEAN, termasuk Indonesia. 2. Mengisi Formulir Pendaftaran. 3. Esai ditulis perorangan bukan kelompok. 4. Esai dibuat dalam bahasa Inggris atau Korea.

Ketentuan esai (pilih salah satu): Bila menggunakan bahasa Inggris, maksimum 4.000 kata atau 10 halaman dengan bentuk tulisan Times New Roman 12, spasi 1,5. Panjang tulisan Abstrak: 500 kata atau 1 halaman. Bila menggunakan bahasa Korea, maksimum 3.000 kata atau 10 halaman. Font: ???? 11 dengan spasi 1,5. Panjang tulisan Abstrak: 500 kata atau 1 halaman. 6. Essay dibuat dalam format Microsoft Word. 7. Kutipan yang terdapat dalam essay harus dibuat berdasarkan APA6th (bisa dicari di google).

Cara Ikut:  

Pilihan tema

1. ASEAN and Korea in the Emerging Indo-Pacific
With 65% of the world population and over 60% of global GDP, the Indo-Pacific has come into the limelight as it has also become a main theatre of China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the United States’ free and open Indo-Pacific strategy. As regional entities, ASEAN and Korea share the regional outlook which naturally leads them for cooperation. In what ways can ASEAN and Korea increase their cooperation to navigate hrough the tides of the emerging Indo- Pacific?

2. ASEAN Connectivity and Beyond
ASEAN visions “to achieve a seamlessly and comprehensively connected and integrated region that will promote competitiveness, inclusiveness, and a greater sense of Community” as proclaimed in the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025. A well-connected ASEAN will bring its goods, services and people together, creating a foundation for a more resilient, competitive and prosperous ASEAN Community. What are the key areas ASEAN should focus on to fulfill its connectivity visions? How can ASEAN Connectivity achieve a regional integration that will connect beyond the ASEAN region?

3. Toward a Reciprocal Cultural Exchanges
ASEAN Wave in Korea With increasing interactions and socio-cultural exchanges between ASEAN and Korea, the perception of ASEAN has been expanding in Korea. However, while Korean cultures are widely spread in the ASEAN region with the tides of the ‘Korean Wave’, understanding of ASEAN’s unique and diverse cultures are still in the growing stage in Korea. How can we effectively promote ASEAN’s unique and diverse cultures in Korea? In what ways can ASEAN and Korea cooperate to facilitate and promote the ‘ASEAN Wave’ in Korea?

4. 30 Years of ASEAN-Korea Relations
Retrospect and Prospect The ASEAN-Korea relations began with the establishment of the sectoral dialogue partnership in 1989. Since then, the relationship has expanded and deepened to become a strategic partnership for peace and prosperity in 2010. This year, ASEAN and Korea celebrate the 30th anniversary of their dialogue partnership. How has the ASEAN-Korea relations evolved over the past 30 years? How should the dialogue partnership progress forward?

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