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Friday, July 23, 2021

Universitas Syiah Kuala in collaboration with Tohoku University offers a Virtual Summer Course that will be held on August 2-6th, 2021


Universitas Syiah Kuala in collaboration with Tohoku University offers a Virtual Summer Course that will be held on August 2-6th, 2021
Universitas Syiah Kuala in collaboration with Tohoku University offers a Virtual Summer Course that will be held on August 2-6th, 2021

Portal Kompetisi dan Beasiswa mau bagika lagi info kegiatan keren yang layak banget untuk sobat semua ikutin nih, lets cekidot.

Universitas Syiah Kuala in collaboration with Tohoku University offers a Virtual Summer Course that will be held on August 2-6th, 2021.

The program is open to undergraduate and graduate students. The program fee is Rp. 200.000 for regular and Rp. 100.000 for an Indonesia partner and early bird. This program is a good opportunity for youth generations to know, understand and review about the disaster and its management.

The registration of this program is open from now on until July 31, 2021. Following is the registration link: .

You can find further information on the attached brochure below or please do not hesitate to contact the following email address: or mobile phone : +62-85260014960 ( Ria Ervilita).

Please kindly inform your assistance to disseminate this information to your students at your university. Thank you very much for your kind attention & assistance. We look forward to a successful working relationship in the future.

Best regards,

Office of International Affairs

Universitas Syiah Kuala,

Banda Aceh, Indonesia



Twitter: @OIA_Unsyiah

Facebook: OIA Unsyiah

Instagram: OIA Unsyiah

1 comment:

  1. assalamualaikum wr, wb, saya BAPAK IKBAL saya Mengucapkan banyak2
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    dan berkat bantuan AKI SOLEH saya bisa melunasi semua hutan2 saya yang ada di BANK BRI dan bukan hanya itu AKI alhamdulillah,
    sekarang saya sudah bisa bermodal sedikit untuk mencukupi kebutuhan keluarga saya sehari2
    Itu semua berkat bantuan AKI SOLEH sekali lagi makasih banyak ya, AKI
    yang ingin merubah nasib
    seperti saya.!!
    SILAHKAN GABUNG SAMA AKI SOLEH Di No:082~313~336~747

    Sebelum Gabung Sama AKI Baca Duluh Kata2 Yang Dibawah Ini
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    2: Selaluh kalah dalam bermain togel
    3: Barang berharga sudah
    terjual buat judi togel
    4: Sudah kemana2 tapi tidak
    menghasilkan, solusi yang tepat.!!
    5: Sudah banyak dukun ditempati minta angka ritual belum dapat juga,
    satu jalan menyelesaikan masalah anda.!!
    Dijamin anda akan berhasil
    silahkan buktikan sendiri
    Atau Chat/Tlpn di WhatsApp Aki: 082~313~336~747

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