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Tuesday, July 9, 2019

4th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Islamic Economics and Development, Accounting and Finance, and Business Research

Salam prestasi para Gen Juara. Kali ini Portal Kompetisi dan Beasiswa bakal update info lomba terbaru. nah pada kesempatan kali ini ada  informasi dari GAMA ICI gimana modelnya???  buat para GenJu yang suka nulis. Langsung saja ya GenJu cekidot.

4th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Islamic Economics and Development, Accounting and Finance, and Business Research
4th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Islamic Economics and Development, Accounting and Finance, and Business Research

🎯 *4th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Islamic Economics and Development (GAMA ICIED) 2019*
🎯 *4th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Islamic Accounting and Finance (GAMA ICIAF) 2019*
🎯 *4th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Islamic Business Research (GAMA ICIBR) 2019*

4th GAMA ICIED, 4th GAMA ICIAF and 4th GAMA ICIBR are conferences aimed at providing a forum for sharing and promoting cutting-edge research in Islamic Economics and Development, Islamic Accounting and Finance, and Islamic Business Research. They are also conferences aimed at facilitating intense and productive networking among academics, policy makers, practitioners, students and other interested parties.

We invite you to join the conferences:

🔰 *Plenary Session*:
🕰 Friday, August 30, 2019
📍 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jl. Sosiohumaniora No. 1, Bulaksumur
🎯 Joint Plenary Discussion Session 1 : _Entrepreneurship and Economic Development_
Prof. Dr. Norma Md Saad (IIUM Malaysia)
Dr. Evi Noor Afifah (FEB UGM)
🎯 Joint Plenary Discussion Session 2: _Accounting and Entrepreneurship : Islamic Perspective_
Vanessa Ratten (LaTrobe Business School) *
Dian Kartika Rahajeng, Ph.D. (FEB UGM)
🎯 Joint Plenary Discussion Session 3: _Entrepreneurship in Islamic Context_
Dr. Veland Ramadani (South East European University) *
Boyke Rudy Purnomo, PhD., CFP (FEB UGM)
* to be confirmed

🔰 *Facilities*:
Conference, Materials, Coffee breaks, Lunch and Certificate

 🎯 *Terms and Condition*:
1. With a commitment fee: IDR50,000
2. The commitment fee must be paid before August 28, 2019
3. Please contact Ms. Ratih (+62 852-6382-1622) for further payment information
4. The commitment fee will be returned to participants after Closing Ceremoy Session on Saturday, August 31, 2019

🔑 *Registration link*:

Call for Papers
We also invite you to submit your paper, which will be presented at parallel session

🔰 *Parallel Session*:
🕰 Saturday, August 31, 2019
📍 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jl. Sosiohumaniora No. 1, Bulaksumur
🎯 4th GAMAICIED Parallel Paper Presentation Session
🎯 4th GAMAICIAF Parallel Paper Presentation Session
🎯 4th GAMAICIBR Parallel Paper Presentation Session

The topics are:
*4th GAMA ICIED 2019*
1. Entrepreneurship and poverty alleviation
2. Beliefs, preference and entrepreneurship
3. Entrepreneurship and innovation policy
4. Economic policies and development of halal industry
5. Digital transformation in Islamic entrepreneurial activities

*4th Gama ICIAF 2019*
1. Gender and access to finance in Islamic countries
2. Finance and entrepreneurship in Islamic countries
3. Islamic financial literacy among Muslim entrepreneurs
4. Accounting for entrepreneurship: Islamic context
5. Performance of Muslim entrepreneurs

*4th Gama ICIBR 2019*
1. Creation of new ventures and business models in Islamic countries
2. Islamic entrepreneurship: Culture, Religion, and Society
3. Islamic leadership and ethics in business practices
4. Islamic entrepreneurial finance
5. Halal supply chain, halal tourism and artisan entrepreneurship

The paper can theoretical or empirical research with significant contributions and adopts any methods or approachs, particularly those that are relevant to the economics and business issues related to the topic above. Please submit your paper through email: / /
The deadline for paper submission is 29th July 2019

🏛 *Main Organizer*:
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM)

🌐 *Further Information*:

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